



Blooming Oasis’s chef is Van Gogh. Plates are his canvas and those Filet steaksmotton chops are the protagonists of the canvas. Red wine and white wine are melting into the background. The spices on the corner or the middle of the dish are fitting ornaments. Uniting these material are Van Gogh’s paintings. Blooming Oasis is full of variegated flowers, however, you can savor a cup of romantic rose tea or jasmine tea with the golden sunshine in the wonderful afternoon. By the way, don’t forget to taste the thick coffee especially the milk foam on the Latte and Cappuccino. Welcome to our Van Gogh House Restaurant.


梵谷餐廳所供應的是亞洲風味的西式餐點。其建築為由古老之茶葉工廠改建,是個可以讓您放鬆心情悠閒享用午餐、下午茶、以及晚餐的地方。其名稱來自於十九世紀之荷蘭畫家,其畫風具有獨特的創新性並領先其所處之時代, 特別是在法國南部之時期中所繪之作品特別突出. 就像是這位畫家一樣, 我們的主廚也將為您創作各樣精美有創意的佳餚, 並將亞洲式與西方之美味完美的融合呈現出來. 無論是海產, 肉類, 或是各式蔬果, 我們的主廚都將為您選用最新鮮的素材, 作出美觀多變的各種美味料理。


Van Gogh Restaurant serves fusion cuisine combining pan-Asian and Western foods. Housed in a converted old tea factory, the restaurant is a romantic place to relax and enjoy good food for lunch, tea time, and dinner. It is named after the 19th century Dutch painter because of his creative and pioneering ways of painting especially in his years in Southern France. Like the famous painter, our chefs produce innovative and delicious food combining Asian and Western flavor. Whether it’s fish, meat, or vegetable, our chefs select the freshest ingredients to create a colorful and tasty dish.

Van Gogh Restaurant is also open for tea time. The best quality tea is selected from all over the world and served with our own home made pastries and dessert. Our restaurant balcony allows guests to enjoy the view of our flower garden. Come enjoy a relaxing afternoon tea time with us!

婚禮 為您的喜事增添羅曼的氣息

在您訂婚或是結婚時, 大溪花海農場獨具一格的梵谷餐廳將可以提供最佳的環境, 讓您以及賓客有著出色的婚宴回憶. 我們具有多年經驗的主廚所提供的料理, 完善的合併了東方與西式的調理方式與味覺. 而您也可以在園區戶外的各種景色中, 拍下您最完美的回憶. 我們的花田, 可遠望週遭景色的丘頂, 以及陳年舊木等場所, 均將是您取景時最好的搭配.


Add a bit of romance to your wedding or engagement party.

Celebrate your wedding or engagement surrounded by sea of flower or in our romantic Van Gogh Restaurant. Treat your friends, relatives, and guests to our famous fusion cuisine, combining Asian and Western flavors in our Van Gogh Restaurant. Wedding ceremonies can be held outdoors in our flower garden or on top of the hill overlooking the city of Ta Shee. Take your wedding or engagement photos in various scenic spots in our flower garden, on the top of a hill, or in a cozy corner under a tree.


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